
What Does the Slang Word Bot Mean?

Bots are networks affected by malicious programs that let them act against the user’s intentions. Bots associate and receive commands from the “bot herders” who can build distributed networks of bots, or botnets, to remit organized attacks. Botnets have intensified the stand of viruses propelling attacks on click fraud, keylogging, spam, denial of service, phishing, key cracking, and copyright infringements. Botnets can be an efficient malware injecting platform in a way that a new virus is transmitted out hastily by several bots. Such a bot significantly shrinks the response time and patch window that system administrators require to deliver essential help.

There are several bots on the web on any day, organized into thousands of botnets, which are perceived to be one of the principal causes of malicious activity on the web which are growing swiftly and innovating methods for developing malicious codes and ensuing attacks. Bots slink into a user’s network in distinct ways, which later disseminate over the web by uncovering vulnerabilities, unprotected networks to corrupt. The minute bot encounters an exposed network, it directly infects the network and then reports back to its master. Bots aim to stay hidden until they are commanded to carry out a task.

The very nature of botnets provides intruders with an excess potential on the web. With control over so many jeopardized systems, intruders can now engage in quite more destructive actions than the web has seen before. Following a network is taken over by a bot, which can be chosen to carry out distinct programmed tasks. Bot transmits spyware, viruses, and spam, further stealing private and secret data and reporting it to the malicious user, bot indeed steals bank credentials, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information.

The architecture of a botnet

Botnet architecture has developed over the past in an attempt to circumvent exposure and disruption. Conventional bot programs were built as clients that communicate through existing servers.
Recent botnets now pivot on existing peer-to-peer networks to interact.

Command & control

Earlier botnets on the web utilized a client-server model to perform their functions and operate over Internet Relay Chat channels, domains. Wherein infected clients obtain a pre-established location and anticipate the commands from the server. The bot herder forwards commands to the server, which further forwards them to the clients, upon which clients compile the commands and relay their outcome back to the bot herder.

In IRC botnets, infected clients associate with an infected IRC server and connect a channel pre-established for C&C by the botnet herder which transmits commands to the channel through the IRC server. Every client retrieves the commands, executes, and transmits information back to the IRC channel with the outcomes of their activities.

Peer to Peer

Current botnets completely work over P2P networks by communicating over a centralized server, P2P bots act as both a client and a command distribution server that accepts commands and circumvents any downfall, which is a concern for centralized botnets. To detect and behead IRC botnets, bot herders have commenced deploying malware on peer-to-peer networks. These bots utilize digital signatures that solely allow those who have access to the private key and can command the botnet.

To find additional infected machines, the bot tactfully probes random IP addresses continuously till it leads to another infected machine. The infected bot retorts with data such as its software version and list of known bots. If their versions don’t match or are lower than one another, they immediately initiate a data transfer to update themselves. This way, each bot expands its list of infected devices and updates itself by cyclically communicating to all known bots.

Some of the common characteristics of a botnet

Most utmost botnets now perform distributed denial-of-service attacks in which numerous computers submit as many requests as possible to a distinct computer to suppress and restrict it from servicing rightful requests.

Bitcoin mining was practiced in some of the major novel botnets which involve bitcoin mining as a trait in order to produce avails for the administrator of the botnet.

Spyware is software that transfers data to its originators about a user’s actions which consist of credentials, private data, credit/debit card numbers, and additional data that can be sold on the black market. Jeopardized machines that are positioned within a corporate network can be more meriting to the bot herder as they often gain entrance to confidential corporate data.

Click fraud transpires when an individual’s system visits websites without the user’s assent to generate bogus web traffic for private/financial gain.

E-mail spam is mail, masked as messages from individuals, but are either advertisement, vexatious, or malicious.

Self-proliferating service, to seek for pre-established command-and-control accelerated commands comprising targeted networks, to aim for further infection, is more found in numerous botnets, which are commonly utilized to automate the bot infections.

The list comprises top-most malware families of recent months in 2020

  • Agent Tesla
  • Phorpiex
  • XMRig
  • Dridex
  • Trickbot
  • Ramnit
  • Emotet
  • Glupteba
  • Formbook
  • NetwiredRC

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